Tuesday, 25 August 2009

SOFTWARE REVIEW: If the response to your e-mail marketing promotions has taken a nose-dive recently, you'll want to pay attention to this!

Review: Desktop Marketer Pro

Every time someone sends me an e-mail telling me that they've just discovered the "next big thing" in online marketing, I'm naturally a little bit skeptical.

So when I received an e-mail from world-renowned Internet marketing expert Derek Gehl recently telling me that he had a "revolutionary" product he wanted to show me, I wasn't sure what to expect!

It turns out that Derek was talking about "direct-to-desktop" technology. Now, for those of you who haven't heard of this before, it basically allows you to send messages directly to the desktops of your customers or subscribers WITHOUT using e-mail. When you have a message you want to send, it will "pop up" right on the desktops of their computers, instead of landing in their e-mail inboxes.

I've actually heard of this technology before, but the software necessary to get started cost a fortune (at least $10,000), and you needed a team of programmers to implement it on your site. So when I decided to take Derek up on his "90-Day Risk Free Trial," I was a little nervous that the set-up process would be too complicated for me. (I am the farthest thing from a "technical whiz" you will ever meet!)

I can honestly say I was amazed at how "dummy-proof" this software is to use! I was up and running in no time, and everything worked perfectly the first time around! And convincing my subscribers to download the little "Desktop Reader" was actually really easy. (Derek is giving away a couple of free reports with the software that explain a TON of great ways to get people using the application.)

Once you start using "Desktop Marketer Pro" for your business, you can simply forget about some of your biggest e-mail marketing headaches! You'll never again need to worry about:

  • People changing their e-mail addresses without telling you.
  • Your legitimate messages getting wrongfully flagged as spam.
  • Free accounts (like Yahoo! and Hotmail) "bouncing back" your messages.
  • Blocked mail and blacklists.
  • Your message disappearing under a mountain of junk e-mail and spam.

The bottom line is that this product does everything it promises -- and a whole lot more! You can track exactly WHO is reading your messages so you never have to guess if your e-mail is being delivered. I give "Desktop Marketer Pro" a 10 out of 10 rating -- my absolute highest recommendation!

Click here to find out more!

Many affiliates are asking how they can set up an entire special web page just for marketing Desktop Marketer on their sites. (This is one of the techniques our top affiliates are using to earn commission checks of $4,000+ each month.)

So we are giving you the reprint rights for the following article so you can post it on your web site (in its full form, no modifications allowed). This is a great way to devote a whole web page to promoting Desktop Marketer and...

Add a lot of value to your web site while increasing your affiliate commissions.

So in addition to any other links or banners you have to The Internet Marketing Center®, you could have a little side bar or link from your main menu that would be as simple as "E-mail Automation Software" or "Click here now to read how you can put the most boring parts of your job on auto-pilot."

You can read this article by clicking here and if you decide that you'd like to include it as content on your web site to promote Desktop Marketer and increase your affiliate commissions even more, simply use the instructions we've provided below -- it's extremely easy to do!

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